Are We Prolonging the Pandemic?

Prolonging the Pandemic?

What if all the “mitigation” measures recommended to reverse the Coronavirus Pandemic are actually prolonging it? Is it mere coincidence that the states with the most restrictive lockdown measures also have the highest coronavirus rates? The one state that did not lockdown at all was South Dakota, and it has one of the lowest infection and death rates — 15 deaths per 100,000 people. By contrast, New Jersey has 179 deaths per 100,000 and New York has 168 per 100,000.

“Stopping” the coronavirus with present mitgation efforts is like trying to put out a forest fire with a cup of water. As the author of the Childrens’ Health Defense article put it, “A virus does what a virus does.” The virus is going to spread, and it really doesn’t matter how many mitigation efforts are used. The lockdown procedures, if anything, just delay the inevitable. But this should not be a cause for discouragement because of developing “herd immunity.”


Whatever path we take to get there, “herd immunity” is the ultimate goal to kill off the virus. When enough people have been exposed to the virus and their bodies have created antibodies to it, the virus dies out because it has nowhere to attach itself and spread. Though this is what vaccines are supposed to do, my latest research suggests that herd immunity will be achieved long before a vaccine is made available.

Dr. Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University believes that we may already have herd immunity. She and many other researchers think the Herd Immunity Threshold (H.I.T.) is between 10 and 20% — that is, that once 10-20% of the population have encountered the virus and built antibodies, that it simply runs out of potential people to infect. Why it would only take a 10-20% H.I.T. is believed to be because we already have T-cell immunity to so many other coronaviruses such as the common cold.

Dr. Gupta states that countries or states that try to seal themselves off to mitigate COVID-19 spread are simply postponing their day of reckoning. It’s just like when I was a kid, we wanted to get the measles, mumps, whooping cough, etc. and get it over with! So here’s the winning strategy I believe, based on the work of these various researchers:
1. Isolate the High Risk Population — It is the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions that weaken immunity who should be “locked down,” not the healthy, low-risk population. They need to be isolated until herd immunity is present. Social distancing and masks are very appropriate for this group, or for anyone coming into contact with this group.
2. Let the Healthy, Low-Risk Population Engage in Normal Activity — Frankly, this group needs to get exposed to COVID-19 to create the herd immunity to protect the high risk population. Locking down, masking and social distancing within this group will simply prolong the pandemic! Now understand that not every younger, low-risk person has to become COVID-19 positive, but just 10-20%, according to Dr. Gupta (or maybe it’s 30-40% worst-case scenario). I personally think that we are very near a sufficient number that have built antibodies to achieve the herd immunity simply because of Dr. Levitt’s projections noted earlier based on the rapidly declining death rate.

I figured out a long time ago that man’s “solutions” to problems of all manner are typically misguided and counterproductive — such as conventional cancer treatment using three known carcinogenic modalities — surgery, radiation and chemotherapy! It is in man’s fallen nature to screw things up. That is ultimately why all the nonsense we’ve dutifully subjected ourselves to the last five months has prolonged the problem rather than solve it. Fortunately God’s answer is built right into his creation through spread of the pathogen and resulting herd immunity.
— Monte Kline, Ph.D.